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Durable Epoxy Decks in Jacksonville & St. Augustine, FL

Custom Floor Coating installs long-lasting coatings and epoxy decks in Jacksonville & St. Augustine, FL. Get a safe and functional deck as an attractive accent for your pool or yard. Coating the concrete around your pool with epoxy helps prevent cracking and improve safety in a high-traffic area. Our professional coatings can withstand extreme temperatures, frequent foot traffic, and pool chemicals. We’ll make your outdoor deck area safer with innovative solutions and weather-resistant non-skid textures. Our lasting formula will protect your pool for decades. Contact us to start designing your ideal home pool deck.

Residential Pool Deck Coating performed in Jacksonville & St. Augustine, FL

Customizable Pool Patio Coatings

We offer concrete deck resurfacing to improve the safety and enjoyment of your yard. We provide coatings in chip and metallic styles that are both durable and UV stable so that the colors won’t yellow in the sun. Our epoxy decks withstand constant wear and tear and are unaffected by the elements. We will help you choose the best solution for effectiveness and aesthetics. Professional pool patio coatings are:

  • Safe – Prevent slips and falls with unique textures and stylish surfaces.
  • Durable – Our products are resistant to pool chemicals, abrasion, and UV.
  • Customizable – We offer a variety of colors and metallics for the perfect style.
Pool Patio Epoxy Coating done by Custom Floor Coating in Jacksonville & St. Augustine, FL

Protect Concrete and Improve Safety

We offer quality flooring systems with a 5-year warranty. Our epoxy resin coating provides a long-lasting barrier for the concrete around your pool, preventing water from soaking through. This incredibly versatile material improves safety and extends the lifetime of your deck by providing multi-layer protection to the underlying concrete. We use a decorative flake chip finish that removes the uncomfortable feel of abrasive concrete for a more comfortable walking surface. Create a slip-resistant walkway for a high-traffic area with our epoxy resin coating. Our materials are incredibly durable with lasting results.

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