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Professional Concrete Stain in Jacksonville & St. Augustine, FL

Custom Floor Coating transforms floors and driveways with professional concrete stain in Jacksonville & St. Augustine, FL. We offer both acid stain and water-based stains for long-lasting, quality results. We can apply stains both indoors and outdoors to cement-based overlays and new or existing concrete. Both stain methods we offer provide exceptional performance and results as well as excellent UV stability and water resistance since they penetrate the concrete surface. Concrete stain is a simple way to enhance your indoor and outdoor spaces with beautiful new floors. Work with our professionals to receive quality work done correctly for long-lasting results.

shiny floor and cars

Acid Stains vs. Water-Based Stains

While both acid stains and water-based stains provide exceptional results, there are some critical differences between them. Acid can only produce earth tones and gentle blue greens. Applying acid stain takes time and requires scrubbing to neutralize the residue. All tools must be acid resistant, and the installer must wear protection to prevent irritation. On the other hand, water-based stains can be mixed into a large spectrum of color options. The application is straightforward, and the tools can be cleaned with soap and water. Water-based stain requires more surface preparation but doesn’t need any extra precautions due to its low VOC content.

Add Color and Shine to a Dull Surface

Our professionals replace worn-out floor coverings, resurface damaged concrete, and add color to existing surfaces. Our decorative concrete stain makes your floors look better than new and won’t fade, chip, or peel. The application process typically takes about two days to complete. The concrete must be fully cured, cleaned, and prepared before staining. We apply the stain carefully and with precision. Once the color is applied and neutralized, we seal the concrete with a protective surface and your choice of gloss finish for added shine and durability. Our concrete stain is a superior solution for indoor and exterior surfaces.

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