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Everything went great. Matt and his helper we’re awesome.

Linda B.

Awesome. Matt and Kane were a very good team and were very clean.

Paul P.

Custom Floor did a great job. Matt communicated excellent and did what he said when he said he would.

Ken G.

Matt and crew installed a beautiful marble flake epoxy floor in my high rise studio condo. He knew I needed to get it rented quickly and worked all weekend to get it finished. l have a gorgeous, unique floor that will last for years for less money than tile or wood. My new tenant loves it. I highly recommend this quality company. They went above and beyond to get the job done!

Jean H.

Matt was on time . He did exactly what was explained to me. The finish product was better then expected. Matt was professional and the work was performed showed it. When Matt was finished the job site was cleaned. I am more then satisfied.

Michael T.

Everything went great. I could not believe the before and after pictures, it was a true transformation. Their efficiency and the level of professionalism they brought to the table was very impressive. I will definitely be recommending them to my friends and family.

Tim H.

These guys were absolutely amazing. Not only was their work product exceptional, but they were professional, polite, and friendly. They did a fantastic job on our 3 car garage. We would highly recommend them!

Alexander G.

Matt and his brother did a phenomenal job! Great pricing, Punctual, efficient, extremely clean, and the floor looked amazing. Polyurea coat with flake and a top sealing coat. Amazing job overall, definitely recommending again. They take care of military as well!

Roman O.

The whole experience from estimate to finished product was an unexpected pleasure. Matt was able to come to my home immediately after I called on a Monday, because he was in a 'rain delay' at his current job. His price for my one car garage was extremely competitive and he was very patient answering my many, many, many (not a typo) questions. He even managed to squeeze in my job the very next day-before leaving on vacation! (..and my thanks go out to Kane, Matt's partner, who arranged with a friend to come back and reinstall my washer and dryer which had been removed in order to do the floor) I have already recommended CFC to three friends and I recommend them highly to you!

JoAnn J.

Matt was extremely professional, fair priced, my garage looks amazing 10/10 would recommend to anyone looking get a flake floor system.he uses polyurea instead of epoxy which is what I wanted,had very pricey machinery,and a good 5yr warranty They did my three car garage was done in one day!!!

Kyle J.

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